Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Donation Info!!

Here we are, in Guayaquil working with we spent the day driving to the clinics and talking to the directors about possible surgical candidates. Tomorrow we will hit up another clinic or two and make times to do initial exams on these patients and determine which are most in need of surgery. MMRC is hoping to get teams down here in the next 5 weeks, the type of surgeon will depend on what we identify as the biggest need. Katie is coming tomorrow!! Cant wait to see her and work with her down here! I have answers for the donations question! The guy that we are working with up north, in Pimampiro, has been super nice and has shared all of his connections with us and once again he is hooking us up and allowing us to use him for donations (so its tax deductible)! Check out his website at And you can send any donations to: Mountains of Hope c/o Focus International 4930 East Texas Road Allentown, PA 18106 Check memo: Ser Viva Health Project Dont forget the memo line!! This is what we are calling our project in Pimampiro for now...we are hoping to find some property and make these dreams a reality very soon!


  1. Thanks Jana, We will be sending a donations right away. Thanks for your help. Stay safe and God Bless.
    Cheryl and Bill Manship

  2. You are amazing! Love you so much! I Pray that Katie got there safe. I will tell our friends here about the address. I hope everyone can help, if there is one thing i know for sure, you guys deserve the help. I know you guys have a real heart for for those kids. I will pray you get what you need to help you and miss you so much but have such peace knowing you are right where God want you! LUL my very special child!!!!
